Reach Out and Read

Reach Out and Read bookKernodle Clinic is a proud partner of the award-winning Reach Out and Read Program–a nonprofit organization that gives young children a foundation for success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud together.

Research shows that what happens during the first few years sets the stage for the rest of a child’s life. During this time, a child’s experiences have the ability to irreversibly affect how the brain develops–for better or worse.

As a Reach Out and Read provider participant, we believe that all families should have the tools and information needed to make daily reading a routine in order to help build a foundation for success.

At well-child visits from infancy, until they start school, you will receive a free book that is age-appropriate for your child. This “prescription” to read aloud is designed to foster language-rich interactions between you and your child that stimulate early brain development.

Here are some additional facts that support the significance of childhood literacy and benefits of reading aloud:

Together, the Reach Out and Read network of medical providers distribute 1.6 million books each year. For more information about this program, visit

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