6 Tips For Working Mothers

Being a mom is a full-time job in itself. Add a 9-5, and you may feel like you’re on the clock all hours of the day. Working mothers are constantly juggling the responsibilities of motherhood, corporate tasks, and self-care time. Although there isn’t a one-fits-all secret to success, optimizing your time by doing the right things at the right time is sure to help.

How To Make Life Easier For Working Mothers

Did you know 91% of American workers believe working mothers in leadership roles bring out the best in employees? Working mothers also prove to be calmer in crisis, better listeners, more diplomatic, and better team players. Here at Kernodle OB/GYN, we understand how important it is for women to maintain their career aspirations even during motherhood. With a little planning and these great tips for working mothers, you can have the best of both worlds.  

1. Keep A Family Calendar

It’s no surprise working mothers can feel overwhelmed. One of the best ways to stay organized is to write down a schedule for your family. Write down everything from sports practices and playdates to school events, chores you need help with, appointments, and everything in between! It is easy to get lost in the craziness of day-to-day life, but making sure that you have a plan for every day can help keep you on track.

2. Prioritize Your To-Do’s

There is only so much time in a day, and no one is more aware of that than working mothers. Prioritizing to-do’s can help you finish the more important tasks and leave the less important tasks for a different day or time. Start off by making a list of all your tasks, and begin delegating which ones are essential and which ones can wait. 

3. Have Your Children Help With Chores

Having your children help with chores not only helps you out as a working mom but also teaches them invaluable skills! The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry suggests the benefits of involving your child in age-appropriate chores include developing time management and organizational skills, accepting responsibility, and setting a good foundation for independent functioning. 

4. Find Time-Saving Hacks

Some time-saving hacks include prepping meals in advance, paying your bills on the first of every month, putting a load of laundry in every morning, running errands on your lunch break, or outsourcing grocery shopping. Through this sort of creative planning and execution, you can stay on top of your to-do’s, leaving extra time for your little ones. 

5. Let Go Of The Need To Be Perfect

Working from home or running your own business can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be stressful and complicated. As working mothers, it is important to let go of the need to be perfect. Don’t forget that you are only human, and it is okay to say “no”. If you can’t commit to making dinner every night, takeout is always a great option, and if you can’t pick up your child after every activity, try hiring a babysitter or nanny. 

6. Don’t Neglect “Me Time”

In all of the craziness that comes with being working mothers, it is important to never (and we mean ever) neglect time for yourself. Through all the chaotic days, it is important to keep in mind that you cannot pour from an empty cup. To avoid burnout and keep sane, plan things to look forward to, such as a night out with friends. Other self-care activities include going for a walk, meditating, getting a pedicure or manicure, journaling, or calling a loved one. 


Working mothers can have a successful career and family life by striking the right balance between the two. By letting go of mom guilt and prioritizing your to-do’s, you may recognize you’re a fabulous role model, employee, and mother. Kernodle OB/GYN provides full-scope individualized women’s health care, including gynecological care, midwifery services, and low- and high-risk maternity care for women and their families. To learn more about our services or tips for working mothers, request an appointment today.

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